Things To Do in Southwest Montana
There is a reason Montana is known as the last best place. It leaves a mark on your heart. Montana is known for its incredible landscapes, wide open spaces, big skies, and even bigger adventures. Literally, no matter your adventure of choice. It is here in Southwest Montana.
Here is a general overview of things to do in Southwest Montana. We have more specific events and outdoor activities listed with each specific vacation rental.
The best time of year to be in the mountains, on a bike, and on the water.
Everything from ice fishing to backcountry skiing.
View events in the region.
Some Quick Resources

Please Recreate Responsibly
Know Before You Go. Check the status of the place you want to visit. If it is closed, don’t go. If it is crowded, have a backup plan.
Plan Ahead. Prepare for facilities to be closed, pack a lunch, and bring essentials like hand sanitizer and a face covering.
Explore Locally. Limit long-distance travel and make use of local parks, trails, and public spaces. Be mindful of your impact on the communities you visit.
Practice Physical Distancing. Keep your group size small. Be prepared to cover your nose and mouth and give others space. If you are sick, stay home.
Play It Safe. Slow down and choose lower-risk activities to reduce your risk of injury. Search and rescue operations and health care resources are both strained.
Leave No Trace. Respect public lands and waters, as well as Native and local communities. Take all of your garbage with you.
Build an Inclusive Outdoors. Be an active part of making the outdoors safe and welcoming for all identities and abilities.
For more information on Fire Safety and Awareness, Water Safety and Awareness, Invasive Species, and National Parks/Travel/Road information, Please visit MONTANA’S RECREATE RESPONSIBLY TOOLKIT AND RESOURCES.